Iraqi Christians: A Study of their Parliamentary Activities during the Monarchy Era, 1925-1958 – A New Publication by the General Directorate of Syriac Culture and Arts

In the General Directorate of Syriac Culture and Arts’ interest to provide an important increase in knowledge to readers, relying on a distinguished group of writers and researchers, it launched a new book today titled “Iraqi Christians: A Study of Their Parliamentary Activities During the Monarchy Era,” written by Dr. Ammar Abdullah, bearing the number 71 within the Syriac Library’s Syriac Culture Series.

The book highlights the important and distinctive role played by Christian representatives during an important period in Iraq’s history, and is divided into four chapters. The first of these deals with the active role of Iraqi Christians in establishing and building the modern Iraqi state, including the legislative authority represented by the Constituent Assembly and the National Assembly, made up of deputies and notables. Christian representatives, who were highly aware and responsible, participated in the Constituent Assembly’s discussions. They also had an active role in the Iraqi Council of Representatives’ discussions during the period between 1925 and 1958, building the legislative authority and strengthening it with their opinions and proposals regarding of economic, social and political issues.

The second chapter deals with the interventions and opinions of Christian representatives in the economic, social and political fields, and discusses basic and crucial issues in the contemporary history of Iraq that expressed their mentalities and ways of thinking.

As for the third chapter, it discusses how Christian representatives excelled in their active role in the permanent internal committees in the House of Representatives, and many of them presented proposals to enact legal regulations related to the most important economic, social, and political issues.

The fourth chapter deals with the position of Christian representatives on internal and external issues.

The book contains 144 small pages.

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