On Wednesday 22 May 2024, Syriac Heritage and Museum Director Bernard Youssef received the President of the Oriental Manuscripts Digital Center in Iraq (CNMO) and Chaldean Catholic Archbishop of Mosul and Aqra Archdiocese Mar Mikhael Najib.
Accompanied by His Excellency Fr. Rodol Vignonor, Episcopal Vicar of the French Province of Alsace and Cure of Strasbourg Cathedral, and Mark Ghanem Kassab, a young Syriac man from the town of Bakhdida who currently resides in France, the delegation toured the museum’s corridors and halls and was briefed on its antiquities and artifacts, which were admired by the visitors, especially when they stopped at the corner of the collections regarding Supreme Pontiff Pope Francis’ visit to Iraq and the region in 2021.
While touring the corridors of the new Museum, the two parties discussed the Syriac heritage and the history and civilisation of Mesopotamia, which was and still is the focus of admiration for French orientalists, as well as the commonalities that bring together Eastern and Western peoples.