Kaldo Ramzi Oghanna, Director General of Syriac Culture and Arts in the Kurdistan Region, accompanied by Bernard Youssef, Director of the Syriac Heritage and Museum, and Eva Habib, Media Officer at the Directorate of Syriac Culture in Dohuk, visited the Alqosh Archdiocese, congratulating its new pastor, Mar Paul Thabet Habib, on the occasion of his inauguration as an authentic Archbishop of the Chaldean Diocese of Alqosh on Monday, December 5, 2022.
His Eminence, the Bishop, expressed his sincere gratitude, stressing the diocese’s pride in all the distinguished cultural activities organized by the General Directorate of Syriac Culture and Arts, which have their impact and resonance.
Following the visit, Mr. Oghanna participated in the celebration held by the Chaldo-Assyrian Student Union (Khoyada) on the occasion of its thirty-first anniversary in the hall of the Lalish Cultural Center in Dohuk.
The former president of the union stated the importance of the role of youth in life in general and in the development and prosperity of our Syriac culture in particular. He concluded his speech by wishing the union and its members further extraordinary achievement.